Dominion of Capella


Welcome weary web based traveler to the Dominion of Capella. We are glad that you have found your way to our shores.
The Dominion of Capella is a living history re-enactment guild that encourages education of the historical time periods ranging from the first century A.D. to the late 18th century and not only hopes that its members learn history by re-creation but also may teach history to the community at large.

Areas of Education

The Dominion of Capella is about Education. We hope to learn more and to teach more every day. We believe that the best thing we can do for our community is to help others learn about the history we love so much.


Capella has general meetings on the second Saturday of every month at 4:00pm. Capella will have two annual Territorial events. The Ren Faire, always the 2nd week of July and Winterfest, the first week of December. These are annually occurring events so to avoid conflicts with other territories. Winterfest will occur the first Saturday in December. Ren Faire is always Wed through Saturday the 2nd week of July.